Friday, June 24, 2005

How to Have A happy Marriage

1. Never both be angry at the same time.

2. Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.

3. If one of you has to win an argument, let it be your mate.Remember, it takes two to make a quarrel

4. If you feel you must criticize, do so lovingly.

5. Never bring up mistakes of the past.

6. Neglect the whole world rather than one another.

7. Never go to sleep mad.

8. If you have a choice between making yourself oryour mate look good — choose your mate

9. Always meet and depart with an affectionate greeting.

10. Spend quality time together — having a profound conversation,taking a long nature walk, sharing a hobby or project.

11. Never let the day end without saying at leastone kind or complimentary thing to your life partner.

12. When you have done something wrong,be ready to admit it and ask to be forgiven.

~ A letter published in "Dear Abby" from a couple who reachedtheir 50th anniversary and successfully made their marriage a promise for life.
Secret of the Longest MarriageLONDON (Reuters) - Percy and Florence Arrowsmith married on June 1, 1925, celebrated their 80th anniversary this month. The Guinness World Records said the couple held the title for the longest marriage and for the oldest married couple's aggregate age. "I think we're very blessed," Florence, 100, told the BBC. "We still love one another, that's the most important part." Asked for their secret, Florence said, "afraid to sayYou must never be 'sorry.' You must never go to sleep bad friends," she said, while Percy, 105, said his secret to marital bliss was just two words: "yes dear."

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