Friday, June 24, 2005

YOU’RE OKAY- u r not fully hatched

It’s not easy…to be someone. who so easily falls. Because, when you fall you have to pick yourself up…that is, if you want to get anywhere. Someone who falls frequently…has stronger muscles in different places, than someone who doesn’t fall very often:Why?Well, to get up you use your arms,your hands, your legs,your stomach and buttocks your back muscles, (and brain).So, in some ways, you are stronger than those who don’t fall as often! And, after you have pulled yourself upyou must look up - with head held high. In order to see where you are going…Yea! And, once you pull yourself upyou have to catch your breath,and gain your composure —take one uncertain step. And, after that —take another…You see —if you are going to get anywhere close to where you’re are aiming for all those strong muscles will come in to play —And, eventually,you’ll see —the result will be…unusual balance, unusual poise —And hey,your hard-won victory???It will be clothed,in well-deserved dignity!

~ By N.O. Tate (Reprinted with Permission) ~ "We all struggle, we all fall. But, it is especially disheartening to watch the struggles of a disabled person, who, when attempting to learn a new skill, has to repeat the same exercise over and over again until their mind/body connection becomes firmly established. We should not turn our eyes from their struggles ...because... we could learn much from them about the power of tenacity." ~N.O. Tate

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